Doctor Appointments and Medical Visits
If you or your loved one needs transportation to his or her doctors appointment, pharmacy, therapy or dialysis center, we will carry you for a flat fee of $30 per leg (one pick up and drop off to destination within 12 mile radius). If you book the return leg with us as well, we will provided total transportation at discounted rate of $50 for self pay patients. We are preferred providers for Medicaid and Medicare patients through Southeasttrans at no cost to the patient. If you reside in greater metro Atlanta area or suburbs, please call in your broker and let them know that you would like to use Reliable Medical Transport. Whether you are an ambulatory or use a Wheelchair, RMT will transport you safely, respectfully and in a timely manner. Your safety is our number 1 priority and we take pride in carrying you comfortably and safely.
Medical relocation
We provide relocation services into or out of assisted living, nursing home, hospice or simply relocating from one facility/home to another facility homes. For flat fee of $99, we will pick your personal belongings, including medical and mobility devices, from your current place and move you to your new place within 12 miles. For larger distances up to 20 miles radius from your place, we offer $149 package to help you move. Your belongings must already be packed and ready to be picked up. The luggage and belongings must be able to fit inside a regular van.
Group Transport
If you are an assisted living facility, nursing home, adult or special needs day care and would like to use our services for group trips, we will offer discounted rates. No minimum number of trips or participants required.
Special Needs Children Transportation
RMT offers safe and reliable transportation for minors with special needs. Child must be escorted and escort will travel free with the child on RMT. Charges will be $30 per leg for 12 mile radius. If you need RMT services on regular basis (minimum six legs a week), RMT will discount the trip to $25 per leg.
What Our Clients Say
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, risus eget vivamus habitant. A vulputate odio metus faucibus, lorem adipiscing sit non scelerisque tellus lobortis, nonummy arcu. Sit sociis litora odio, faucibus vitae suspendisse ut id vero, lobortis pharetra sed pellentesque commodo, neque suscipit, donec vivamus vitae maecenas. Integer nulla, augue luctus nunc euismod aliquet, eget vestibulum hac auctor, et dis nonummy donec.